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OCR is pure digitization ...

OCR solutions such as Abbyy Fine Reader, Google OCR or Readiris can help digitize jobs. However, when it comes to automating the entire order entry process, they quickly reach their limits.

Lack of flexibility

OCR tools need rules and templates. If documents deviate from the defined layout, this leads to problems. Also, new languages are not immediately understood.

Illustration highlighting the lack of flexibility of OCR tools when dealing with different document layouts. The left side shows a "Correct layout" with a checkmark, where various elements of a document, such as text boxes and tables, are neatly outlined and organized. The right side shows an "Incorrect layout" with an X mark, where the document elements are misaligned and poorly structured. This image emphasizes the challenges OCR tools face with non-standard document layouts.

Lack of context recognition

OCR software extracts text from documents or images without understanding the context. It remains unclear whether a sequence of numbers is an article number or the postal code of the delivery address.

Illustration depicting the lack of context recognition in document processing. The document has various sections outlined in red dashed boxes, each with a question mark beside them, indicating areas where the system fails to understand the context. This image highlights the challenges faced by OCR and similar tools in accurately interpreting and processing documents without clear context recognition.

OCR has error issues

Optical Character Recognition is prone to errors. Many OCR programs have problems reading bad scans, handwriting or unclear documents.

Illustration showing a document with various sections outlined in red dashed boxes, highlighting areas prone to OCR errors. A magnifying glass is placed over a section with scribbled handwriting, emphasizing the difficulty OCR tools face when dealing with poor scans or handwritten text. This image underscores the challenges and errors associated with OCR technology in accurately processing documents with suboptimal quality or handwritten content.

... without automation

OCR technology converts text in images or documents into a machine-readable format. However, pure OCR solutions are not enough for true process automation.
Illustration showing the limited automation capability of OCR. A red circle labeled "OCR" has an arrow pointing to a black circle with a human icon, indicating that OCR data still needs human interpretation. Another arrow points from the human icon to a green circle labeled "ERP," representing the transfer of interpreted data into an ERP system. This image emphasizes that, despite OCR technology, human intervention is required to process and transfer data accurately.

Limited automation

The data read out must still be interpreted by humans and transferred by copy-and-paste.

Illustration comparing time savings between manual processing and OCR. On the left, a stopwatch labeled "Manual" shows a time of 5 minutes and 30 seconds. On the right, a stopwatch labeled "OCR" shows a time of 4 minutes and 45 seconds, indicating a limited time saving. This image emphasizes that the use of OCR provides only a marginal reduction in processing time compared to manual methods.

Little time saving

Since manual post-processing is still necessary, OCR tools only save a small amount of time compared to completely hand-typing.

Illustration showing a graph depicting the high training effort and costs associated with OCR tools. The graph starts with an OCR label at the baseline and rises steeply, marked with icons representing time and money, indicating increasing effort and costs. The upward curve emphasizes the significant investment required for training OCR tools. This image highlights the context of high training effort and costs associated with implementing OCR technology.

High training effort

A lot of initial training is required to read orders from different customers in different layouts using pure OCR solutions.

Why Workist is the better alternative to OCR software

Fast integration

Workist is ready to use in just 2 days. The simple plug-and-play approach eliminates the need for prior training or extensive IT projects.

High time and cost savings

The AI reads data reliably and interprets it without any problems. This way, you achieve up to 95% time savings.

Workist works holistically

Workist maps the entire process and offers maximum compatibility - from order entry to the creation of the order in the ERP system.

Intuitive document understanding

The AI understands and interprets documents based on the learning experience of over 3,000,000 successfully processed documents. Without training.

Master data matching

Workist validiert ausgelesene Daten anhand der Stammdaten des Unternehmens. So werden nur korrekte Daten extrahiert und ans ERP-System übertragen.

Continuous learning

If errors do need to be corrected manually or ambiguities confirmed, the AI learns from this and corrects them itself in the future.

Service und support

Each customer is accompanied by experts with many years of experience and closely advised from integration to onboarding and daily use.

Process documents automatically with minimal effort

Less typing, just automate. With Workist.
Step 1

Forward documents

Incoming documents are simply forwarded to Workist. Workist can handle a variety of formats - whether PDF documents, Excel or free-text emails.

Illustration showing multiple documents being forwarded towards the Workist mascot, representing the first step in the Workist workflow where documents are forwarded to Workist for processing. The mascot is positioned at the bottom right, ready to receive and handle the incoming documents. This image emphasizes the initial action of forwarding documents to the Workist system for further processing.
Step 2

Extract data

Workist intuitively recognizes documents and automatically extracts all relevant data - regardless of language or layout.

Illustration of the Workist software analyzing a digital document containing company data, billing address, and line items. The Workist mascot or symbol is positioned to the right of the document, pointing towards a section labeled "Analyzing...". This image illustrates the process of business document analysis by the Workist software.
Step 3

Validate data

Workist validates the information from your documents against your master data - ensuring error-free extraction.

Illustration of the Workist software validating extracted data with the ERP's master data. A stylized Workist mascot is shown on the left, with a question mark indicating data analysis. The mascot points towards an ERP system represented by a database icon on the right, with a checkmark indicating successful validation. Below, the document sections display various data fields with checkmarks, signifying that the extracted data has been verified against the ERP's master data.
Step 4

Transfer to ERP system

Using standard interfaces such as EDI or API, you can easily transfer Workist's data output to any ERP system.

Illustration of the Workist software transferring extracted and validated data to various ERP systems. On the left, a stylized Workist mascot holds a data cube. Arrows from the mascot point to three labeled data transfer methods: EDI, API, and XML. These methods connect to logos of different ERP systems on the right, including SAP, Microsoft, Sage, Oracle, PRO ALPHA, and abas ERP, indicating the integration of data into these systems.
Illustration showing multiple documents being forwarded towards the Workist mascot, representing the first step in the Workist workflow where documents are forwarded to Workist for processing. The mascot is positioned at the bottom right, ready to receive and handle the incoming documents. This image emphasizes the initial action of forwarding documents to the Workist system for further processing.
Illustration of the Workist software analyzing a digital document containing company data, billing address, and line items. The Workist mascot or symbol is positioned to the right of the document, pointing towards a section labeled "Analyzing...". This image illustrates the process of business document analysis by the Workist software.
Illustration of the Workist software validating extracted data with the ERP's master data. A stylized Workist mascot is shown on the left, with a question mark indicating data analysis. The mascot points towards an ERP system represented by a database icon on the right, with a checkmark indicating successful validation. Below, the document sections display various data fields with checkmarks, signifying that the extracted data has been verified against the ERP's master data.
Illustration of the Workist software transferring extracted and validated data to various ERP systems. On the left, a stylized Workist mascot holds a data cube. Arrows from the mascot point to three labeled data transfer methods: EDI, API, and XML. These methods connect to logos of different ERP systems on the right, including SAP, Microsoft, Sage, Oracle, PRO ALPHA, and abas ERP, indicating the integration of data into these systems.

Real stories, real successes

How our customers benefit from using Workist to automatically process their documents

Process documents 12x faster now

Say goodbye to inefficient and error-prone document processing, whether orders, order confirmations or invoices. Get started now with Workist and make better use of your time.